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Membership Cards

India is a country which is still lagging behind in not just oral but general health insurance as well.

Our poor infrastructure has been exposed during the recent covid times.

We at DENTAZONE believe no patient should suffer from the lack of insurance and hence we have brought a membership plan which is a very cost effective way to pay for treatments.

If you have no insurance we have no problem in treating you provided you are our member.

Membership plans include:

This dental membership plan it is a cost effective alternative for anyone who wants the best dental experience and health coverage but has no dental insurance. Unlike traditional insurance are membership has :


In order to provide the highest level of safety for our patients, we follow the ALARA principle. ALARA is an acronym for As Low As Reasonably Achievable. An essential part of dental care, radiographs provide necessary diagnostic and treatment information unavailable by any other method.

We utilize the most current methods to reduce radiation exposure:

Radiation is a natural phenomenon. We get it from food, air, cosmic radiation from space, and from the ground (typically from radon gas that seeps from the earth). The EPA estimates that a person living in the United States receives about 3,000 microsieverts of radiation each year from these background sources.


Excellence in dentistry begins with a careful diagnosis and treatment plan designed to move us toward the goals we will establish together. We will do a complete exam of the teeth, gums, bite, jaw joints, and soft tissues. When needed, and with your permission, we will utilize all appropriate X-rays. At times, we will use intraoral photographs and study models of your teeth and jaw to identify areas of concern. We believe that this detailed exam is the cornerstone of quality dentistry. To be able to serve you better, we are constantly upgrading our skills and technology.


Our practice focuses on prevention and health as opposed to just emergency and repair care. The supporting gum tissue and bone are just as vital as the teeth themselves. The best way to protect and maintain the crucial supporting structures is to have regular hygiene appointments and excellent daily home care. We will design an ongoing program of care with you, so you may continue in excellent oral health.


Because of our commitment to continuing education and continous improvement, we at are able to provide all the services needed to restore your mouth to an optimum condition. In some instances, your needs could be better met in the hands of a specialist. If so, be assured that we have a team of wonderful specialists we regularly work with in the diagnosis and treatment of your dental needs.

Website Design and Marketed by Harvee Health

© Dentazone India 2020
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